Thursday, June 17, 2010

Movin' On

Gave up Coke and most sodas, pretty proud of myself.  The only thing I let myself have now is ginger ale when my stomach is upset, and that's really only been the past few days.  Been feeling really icky lately.  Otherwise I've been soda free for about a month now.  Yay!  I eat a lot more pineapple lately and drink those 0 calorie Sobe Lifewaters a LOT.  Like, everyday.  They're sweetened with black carrot juice, so I feel pretty good about drinking them.  Damion and I are also taking more walks.  I think I should go back to using the Wii Fit.  That was fun.

Liv's in weekly dance classes, and Damion I take that hour to walk around downtown.  Liv loves the socializing more than the dancing, I think.  I'm hoping after we both get better jobs and have settled in to a new place that we can sign her up for some martial arts classes.  I wonder if anyone does kung fu for kids?  I certainly won't let my kid do taekwondo.  I don't want her to be a tool.

I foresee us moving sometime within the next six months, or however long it takes for Damion to get a job.  Once we're settled in, I'll most likely quit my current job, whether or not I have a new one.  I hate my job a lot.

I can't remember what else I was going to say.