Sunday, January 30, 2011

What to do, what to do...

So I've been re-evaluating my life since I lost my job.  You know, the usual stuff: what am I doing with my life, where am I going, why does working in the corporate machine suck so hard, etc.  Usually losing my job would be met with depression and anxiety, and maybe that will kick in later, but for the most part I'm actually pretty happy.  I hated that job A LOT.  Didn't make me want to kill myself, but it did make me feel like a giant loser, somehow even more than being unemployed does.  Everyday where I don't have to wake up and go to work is a day I smile and breathe a sigh of relief.  Yay!

I've been looking for a new job of course, in between hideous barking coughing fits.  While fighting off illness and working on my resume, I've been reading webcomics and reflecting on my lack of real skills.  Yesterday I found myself lamenting the fact that I'd never received any training as a body piercer, because a friend opened a tattoo shop and needs a piercer badly.  I wished I had more artistic talent so I could be a tattoo artist.  I love tattoos and one of my dream jobs is to be a shop manager.  Maybe I wouldn't be doing the actual tattooing, but I'd be setting appointments, ordering supplies, promoting the shop, etc., and I'd get to be supporting an industry in which I actually believe.  Plus I really like the guy who owns the shop.  He and his wife are adorably cool and his shop is all in green.  I like green.

Not having the skills to get to work in a fun place like Bob's Body Shop, I started wondering if I am, in fact, good at anything whatsoever.  I haven't really come up with much.  So far my best achievement is that I've raised a child who has not yet managed to develop some sort of severe emotional problem and likes stuff like Star Wars.

Which got me thinking.

I like kids.  I like geeky stuff like video games and Star Trek and playing D&D.  You know what I wish there were more of?  Websites devoted to the latest generation of geek parents and their geek children.  I'm wondering if there would be a real interest in starting a site devoted to geek parenting, one that would include but not be limited to the following:

  • Kid-friendly video game reviews
  • Costuming ideas for kids and parents alike
  •  Parenting advice for new parents, likely with Star Wars references thrown in for good measure
  • Geek merch reviews and links
  • A "Geekling Pic of the Week" spot (I like looking at pics of my kid doing nerdy things, so I figure other people do, too)
  • Links and schedules for kid-friendly conventions and fandom-themed vacation spots
  • Recipes for geeky treats (for examples, check out this book)
  • Activity ideas (top of my list? LASER TAG)
  • Forums where readers can trade tips, share stories, and post their own reviews
Anyone have any ideas, lemme know.  DO EEEEEEET.

Hee hee, babies reading manga is adorable.