Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coraline Costumes Minor Update

So here are a few things I've dug up for Liv's Coraline costume:

So far the best hair I've found is an adult's wig at Gerbes.  Here's hoping it will fit Liv.

Not orange and pink, but a good substitute.
Also possible, and better for anyone with older girl.

I feel like I already have a suitable shirt, but it may have been an old shirt that she no longer wears.

Perfect boots!

I may skip hair altogeher if I get her a hat.  Mebbe put some blue temp color on the ends.  I dunno.  If I went with the hair and clip combo, I could make my own dragonfly clips. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Projects of the Comic Kind

Been planning a few webcomic strips.  Not sure if I want to go strip style or page format.  Thinking of very, very, very loosely basing some of the characters off of real life peeps.  You know, taking a bit of this guy and melding him with a smidge of that dude, etc?  Except for the main character, who mostly just be me, only hotter.

I like me.  ^.^

Also considering including a Liv.  Nerdy kids are hilarious.  In fact, two of my strips involve her already.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Coraline Cakes Update

Here are a couple of pics of the Coraline Cake I made for Kirstin's birthday.  I couldn't find exactly the right candles, and the cake came out a little wobbly, but for the most I think it came out okay.

These don't provide the best angles, but there you are.  The other side of the cake looks better.  The dribbling was pretty effing hard and I seriously spent three fucking hours on this cake.  Making frosting from scratch is harder than I thought.  It tasted pretty damn good, though.  I was going to write on the top, but by the time I got finished, I was too tired.  It was red velvet, by the way.

If any of Kirstin's friends post more pics, I'll steal them and put them here.