Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Projects of the Comic Kind

Been planning a few webcomic strips.  Not sure if I want to go strip style or page format.  Thinking of very, very, very loosely basing some of the characters off of real life peeps.  You know, taking a bit of this guy and melding him with a smidge of that dude, etc?  Except for the main character, who mostly just be me, only hotter.

I like me.  ^.^

Also considering including a Liv.  Nerdy kids are hilarious.  In fact, two of my strips involve her already.


DrH said...

Would you do the art or just the story line? I would definitely be interested in reading your comics.

ZoeNox said...

At the mo, just the story because I has no arts. But I be practicin'.

Kit Steitz said...

Were is our comic?


