Monday, May 10, 2010

New tat soon? Mew mew?

So I meet with a tattoo artist on Tuesday to discuss my steampunk raven tat.  It will be awesomes.  It's not Katy, for which I feel slightly guilty, but I'll prolly have her do my hummingbird tat, anyway.  It's at Blackthorn tattoo, located off Green Meadows.  They just opened, and the shops not quite finished yet, but I wanted to give them a try so I have one more place to feel at least slightly knowledgeable about.  I dunno.  I just wants a tattoo.  Also, I might get mah cute little raccoon pendant as a tat.  Well, it'd be redrawn to be a little less stilted and a little more...raccoonish, but it would be the same general shape, pose and most likely size as well.  Maybe put that on my wrist where it apparently hurts so much?  I'm such a weenie.

If you're wondering about where I got this silly idea, here's a couple of pics that caught my eye:

I'm not sure if the one of the bottom is supposed to be a raven or a stylized secretary bird.


DrH said...

I think the first one would make a great tattoo with a little redesign.