Friday, August 28, 2009

Body and Soul Part 2

Why do I bother taking out the "ar" in "Part"?  It's already a short word!  So that stops here.

Anyway, making a list of all the reasons why I should get healthy and get in shape.  (Note to self: look up origins of idiom.)  Maybe I'll print up individual list items in large fonts and paste them 'round my house as motivational reminders for my husband and myself.  Big, big letters.

  1. Be a better parent. (You know, playing outside and role modeling healthy choices, etc.)
  2. Better job opportunities. (In a perfect world, this would not be the case, but there you are.)
  3. Nicer clothes.  I like clothes.
  4. I could go swimming again.
  5. Feel better physically.
  6. Increase confidence.
  7. I could actually try to play sports (for fun).
  8. Recover faster from illness/surgery (I am feeling this one right now.)
  9. Lingerie.  I love it.  I no longer wear it, but I want to do so again someday.
  10. Smaller breasts.  Most people may not understand this, but those who know me do.
  11. Smaller feet.  I have small feet already, but the last couple of years my shoes have been a little tight.  I want to go back to my old shoe size.  I like those shoes, damn it!
  12. Have my wedding ring fit the way it's supposed to, and be able to actually take it off.
  13. Be able to wear slutty Halloween costumes again. I really didn't do a lot of that when I was thinner, and now I regret it.  So, I want to slim down so I can dress up as Poison Ivy sometime.  
  14. Cook more often.  See, healthy food usually requires more preparation than junk food.  If I get myself liking healthy food, I'll have to cook more.  I want to like cooking again.
  15. Function better mentally/emotionally.  Healthy bodies fuel healthy minds, yo.
That's all I've got for right now.  I know I'll definitely be adding to this list later.  Any suggestions?  WRITE A FREAKING COMMENT!  I'd really like more comments.  Thank you.

Anyway, I've also decided I don't like people who approach me simply in order to push their own agendas, especially when it involves either A) transferring money from me to themselves; B) me owing them something in the future; C) me doing something I would normally not do and really regret later if I did; and/or D) something divisive, hurtful, ignorant, biased, stupid, trivial, etc.  I had some "friends" who for a long time only seemed to call me when they wanted something from me, using the guise of wanting to hang out to lure me into complacency so they could spring their agenda on me.  I started avoiding their calls pretty quick, let me tell you.  There was a time when my husband would say he wanted to spend time with me, but it was really him wanting me to stay home and not go out because he wanted to keep an eye on me.  Ergo, I told him to shove it.  (We're doing much, much better now, btw.  He only says he wants to spend time with me when he actually does in fact want to spend quality time together.)  And I do not accept random friend requests on ANY networking/social/community/whatever site (except perhaps Roosterteeth), because usually they're spambots pushing porn or rich-quick scams or whatever the internet version of snake-oil is.  So, therefore, I am warning anyone who approaches me on this blog or Facebok or tweets me on Twitter that if I don't know you and you try to push something on me, you will be BLOCKED.  I don't care if you think we have common interests.  I don't care if you think you're doing me a favor.  If you are not approaching me fully in the spirit of friendly curiosity, you can fuck off.  For realz.


DrH said...

Getting healthy is hard to do. Your lists are really good, but habits are a bitch to break. It's really easy to get discouraged too. Good luck, though. It's possible to do and I'm sure you'll feel much better.