So I read this great NPR article (love NPR, btw) about
Interval Training. It's a great idea for mums with wee ones that are too young to amuse themselves while mums have "serious grown-up exercise" but too old to sleep or sit gnawing gently on their own feet the whole time. It takes less time and the shift away from maintaining focus on one activity for a long period of time is a huge plus to ADD me. Being a complete novice at the whole fitness concept, I will admit I know very little so far. I want to know more, though, and I want to find a kid-friendly interval training program here in CoMO, so that Liv and I have someplace we can go each week to shape up and socialize. If I can't find one, maybe Katrina, Jesca, and I can create a program together. It could serve the needs of all sorts of chicks; skinny chicks, heavy chicks, pregnant chicks, endo chicks, whatevs. Most especially, though, it would allow chicks with kids to have fun with their kids while they exercise. I know lots of people have done similar things (nothing new under the sun), but I really like the idea of creating something like this with and for my friends.
I've decided the new plan for food is simply to stop eating food that makes me feel like crap afterwards. I mean, I even had my stupid gallbladder with its giant pistachio-sized stones in it taken out and pizza still makes me want to vomit. I think this is my body's way of saying as clearly as possible: "Don't effing eat it, then, MORON!" Usually food that makes me feel bad isn't good for me, anyway, so I feel like this plan has a lot of merit.
I like
Rainn Wilson's call to de-lamify spiritual dialog. I used to be really involved in the search for meaning and discovering the deeper connections between different paths of spirituality. It helps that I can have some really awesome discussions with Kurt and/or Katrina after gaming group. Also I can have good discussions with Kirstin about atheism and mysticism. Still, I want more. I want to really dig in to some religious and metaphysical wossname, and I really don't want it to be deadly serious. I feel like if I just get around the next corner, I'll find the key to tapping into something really cosmic, you know? But I have to do the work to get there.
One of the best resources for discussing how people approach and grow in their spirituality is
Finding Your Religion by Scotty McClean. It's really a great perspective. I use his 6-phase model all the time when discussing why people choose different alignments at different times, and how religion has evolved as we have evolved as a species.
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