Like many Americans who want to reassure themselves that they are "rational" and"open-minded", my beliefs concerning religion, spirituality, and other cosmic ephemera are sketchy and vaguely defined, mutable and about as solid as fresh goat cheese. Also like many such Americans, I am easily swayed by people I perceive to be "witty" or "cool". And I like to put stuff in quotation marks to be swotty. So, basically, like Kevin Smith would say via Chris Rock, I don't have a lot of firm beliefs, but I do have a few ideas. Maybe. Sometimes. Kinda.
Who knows if there is a higher power and whether or not it gives a shit about the human race in general or an individual specifically? No one. It are not a fact. Now, I'm not saying I'm ruling out such a divinity, but I certainly stopped asking it directly for guidance a long time ago. It's not like it ever answered me directly, personally. Reading a book or a series of books will simply mean that I'm left to decipher my own answer, anyway, right? So I've decided to switch to something, or rather, someone, a little more...real.
I've decided to try praying to Brian Lynch. Why? He's funny. He's may also be a genius. He certainly manages to shake a bunch of stuff together and sift out new answers. After reading his comparison of 30 Rock to The Muppet Show, I figured, why the hell not? We pray to a perceived being greater than ourselves in order to try to draw to ourselves some quality or essence of that being in order to be more than what we are, for we see ourselves to be inadequate. What if I want to be as witty as Brian Lynch? Therefore, perhaps praying to Brain Lynch will imbue me with some of his coolness and I can share quips back and forth with people like Kevin Smith.
I figure it makes about as much sense as any other religion.
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