Thursday, January 14, 2010

More tattoo ramblings.

Okay, so I've decided on a few things.  I'm really fixed on the one arm as a nature-themed sleeve and the arm as a wing-themed sleeve.  I going to do it bits at a time, though, like most people.  What I'm focusing on right now are two pieces that remind me of two very special people.  One is my grandfather.  For his piece I want a hummingbird with some amethyst calla lilies.  I can't decide if I want a Calliope hummingbird or a Green Violet-Ear hummingbird.

< Calliope

 < Green Violet-Ear

 < Amethyst Calla Lilies

I kind of like the pose of the Calliope up top with its wings out-stretched.  Anyway, amethyst calla lilies will be part of it because they wound up being my favorite part of my wedding bouquet and my grandfather officiated my wedding.  The reason behind the hummingbirds is that he loved them, and had feeders for the everywhere, but especially right outside his window.  Every time he went to the hospital, it became this tradition for my mother and I to get him something with a hummingbird on it.  When I think about hummingbirds, I think about the Old Man.  So I'm wanting this piece on my right forearm, eventually to be integrated with the nature sleeve.

The other piece I want done is for my left forearm, which I want to feature a running horse, its mane and tail streaming behind.  The horse should be...I dunno, sort of a coppery color, I guess.  I don't want wings on it, but I want the suggestion of wings to be behind it, like made of the wind of something.  I also want it racing after birds, maybe with a couple already out-paced behind it.  This will go on the wing sleeve arm.